
The highs and lows of Malawi — 4 Comments

  1. Looks so very exciting yet strangely scary. I was really worried about the 25,000 until I read further and realised that it was only about $50 but I hope you argued him down way lower than that. Julie you will have an amazing wardrobe of sarongs from every corner of the world with fantastic memories attached to each of them. Stay safe and come home smiling xoxo

    • Hi Anne, all the different currencies can do your head in if you’re not careful but when in doubt you can always revert to US dollars! If I’m not giving it to policemen then Julie is spending it in roadside stalls.

  2. A great read as always Bill. Sorry to hear you’ve been having tyre and brake problems. If you’d like me to get some F250 pads sent out to you let me know.

    • Hi Gavin, we’re going to have some major maintenance issues when we get back to the UK – pads, tyres, shocks, some welding and the hydraulics, amongst others. African roads are brutal!

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